Sunday, October 6, 2013

Baked-on Crud

So I've become quite addicted to Pinterest.
I may have mentioned that before...
I find amazing ideas and pin them, and then never try them...

But last night, I actually tried one!!

I baked chicken about two weeks ago (I may have also mentioned I don't cook? tried that night, kinda unsuccessfully). Only one of us in the house eat chicken, and I baked two breasts, so there was a leftover breast in the fridge for about two weeks, in the dish it was roasted in. That alone is quite disgusting. I tossed the chicken and soaked the dish overnight in hot water. The baked-on marinade and chicken stuff did not budge. So I soaked it again, this time in hot soapy water. Again-the baked on crap stayed glued to the dish. I am not one who loves to scrub my arm off, especially with my shoulder/neck issues. So luckily I found a blog with an idea!!!
Here is the link: The baking soda part is about 3/4 down...

Here is a picture of the dish after soaking in hot water for a day and hot soapy water for another day:
All that baked-on goodness was still stuck on there. I sprinkled baking soda all over the dish, as directed in the blog post linked above:
I let the baking soda work for about an hour (even though the directions said five minutes).
After a little scrubbing and rinsing, I saw very little change:
So I POURED the baking soda on. Thought more might help...
I added water, created a paste, and spread it thickly all over the baked-on crud. Then I soaked it overnight. In the morning, I added water, scrubbed lightly with a scrub brush, and this is what I found.
Hardly any crud left!! Yay!! I scrubbed lightly with a scrubber and the rest just fell off.
See?! Now beautiful!!
It took some time, but very little scrubbing and effort on my part. :-)

Hooray for Pinterest!!

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