Saturday, October 5, 2013

Single Dad Laughing article

This is a really great article.
As a mother of teenagers, it is particularly poignant.

I definitely have my bad days. At times, I say or do things that I regret.
But I do try...

It is important to apologize. I do apologize to my kids when I realize I've made a mistake.

I recently arrived at my daughter's volleyball game late. It started at 4. I work not to far away and thought I could make it easily by leaving at 3:40. But by the time I got out of school, it was closer to 3:50. And by the time I parked and arrived at the game, it was 4:25. I seemed to hit every red light, there was tons of traffic, lots of things make the drive take longer than I expected. I felt bad. And frustrated. I went in to the game and said something to my daughter about how long it took me to get there. She said, "you didn't have to come" and went back to her teammates. I totally missed on that conversation. She thought I was complaining about being there, and I had meant to express frustration at being late. And meant to apologize. Totally not what I said or what she heard though. Later I apologized. I wanted to be at the game and I wanted to see her play. I felt bad for being late and I expressed it wrong.
I think it is important for them to know that we make mistakes.

I'm sure there are plenty of mistakes I have made that I have not apologized for. Plenty of mistakes I haven't even noticed.

Hopefully I am not like the parents written about in the above article.
I know I have my moments, but hopefully they are rare. And hopefully the good moments outweigh the bad.

Also, I am new to blogging. I hope I haven't done anything wrong by linking an article. He said to share!! But if I have erred, please let me know nicely. I will delete it or will add whatever I need to add to make it right.


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