Sunday, December 22, 2013

Flour Tortillas

I used to make homemade flour tortillas all the time when I was younger. My mom made EVERYTHING from scratch, so I grew up that way. As a teenager, I think I made tortillas weekly-we lived on Mexican food!! When I started living on my own, I didn't really make anything "from scratch" for ages!! I was happy to go to the store and purchase a package of tortillas, or a thing of bread. Didn't see the point in spending hours making any of that. But, life goes on... And don't our memories sometimes make things seem perfect?!?

I do remember loving homemade flour tortillas. And I've been talking about them with fond memories for quite some time. My kids were tired of hearing about them! Truthfully, I don't think they believed that I had ever made homemade tortillas.

I had been looking at recipes for a while, making sure that I had everything I would need, so that when the desire to make them actually hit, I'd have everything I'd need. I couldn't find the recipe I used when I was younger, so I used a recipe that I found on pinterest. (See?? I'm trying out some of those recipes I pinned!!) Find the recipe that I used here:
The only change I made to Alyssa's recipe (at was that I used 2 cups of white flour and one cup of whole wheat flour, rather than the 3 cups white flour. I know-everyone talks about anything wheat as being the devil right now. Gluten is BAD. But I still eat it. So my attempt to make them a little healthier meant that I would add wheat flour rather than all bleached white flour. If you don't eat gluten, feel free to substitute for a gluten-free flour. I have no idea how that will work though. Truthfully, my wheat flour attempt didn't go so well...
The dough looked fine, so I was excited about how they would taste.

After the dough sat for an hour and I started rolling it out, it still seemed okay. But it was a little difficult to roll out. Pretty near impossible to roll it into a circle like the beautifully perfectly circular tortillas I get at Costco. But whatever, who needs perfectly circular tortillas?? As long as they taste good...


So I flopped my first tortilla into the pan. As you can see, it looks oddly shaped. But like I said, who cares, as long as it tastes good, right?? Well........................

They taste okay...But I think I made some mistakes!

First, since I hadn't made tortillas in ages, I should have followed the directions EXACTLY. I shouldn't have added any wheat flour. Also, I have a shoulder injury. What was I thinking?!?! Rolling out a bunch of tortillas was really painful for me! I should have known, as I just made a bunch of pies for Thanksgiving. Rolling out the pie crusts almost killed me!! So why I thought I could roll out 12 tortillas, I'll never know. Chalk that one up to denial.... maybe stupidity is a better word??

So, since I couldn't really effectively roll, they were very oddly shaped. And quite thick. But they tasted okay. Unfortunately, we couldn't really use them for burritos. Instead, we just added butter and ate them as a snack. Isn't everything better with butter??

And for the burritos we had for dinner?? I pulled out the tortillas I'd purchased at Costco. :-)

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