Monday, December 23, 2013

Pie Crust

I'm going to post a couple of recipes that use pie crust, so I thought I should begin by posting my family's pie crust (above is a completed apple pie using this crust). I have no idea where this recipe came from, just that my family has been using it for ages. I'm sure someone got it from a magazine or a box a long time ago-I highly doubt it was "created" by a member of my family. But I do know that my great-grandmother used it, my grandmother used it, my mom uses it, I use it...
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup milk

1. Fluff flour and salt in bowl.
2. Combine oil and milk in a measuring cup.
3. Mix both in bowl (but not too much!).
4. Divide in half-roll each half between two sheets of wax paper to size of pie pan.
5. Flip into pie pan.
6. If pie with no top, press crust between thumbs of both hands to make the pattern (right). If pie with a top, leave draped over the edge (but trim edge so it is slightly hanging over pan). Fill pie, then place other half of crust over top. Then smoosh the ends of the crust together with thumbs as for crust below.
There are a lot of pie crusts recipes around. This is what I always use-it's my favorite.

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