Thursday, December 24, 2015

Overnight Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

 I always have some pumpkin left over after making pumpkin pie, muffins, or bread. I hate throwing it away, so I always put it in a container in the fridge with great plans to use it later. Never fails-I find it shoved into the back corner of the fridge months later. Saw this Pumpkin Oatmeal recipe and thought it would be a great way to use up the leftover pumpkin right away. I modified it just a tad...

I threw everything into my crock pot, and when I woke up the next My whole house smelled sooooo good!!! Tastes super yummy too! I have definitely found a great way to use up leftover pumpkin! :-)

Overnight Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

1 cup steel cut oats
2 cups water
2 cups almond milk
1 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 dash nutmeg
1 dash ground cloves

1. Place the oats, water, milk, pumpkin, brown sugar, and spices into crockpot. Mix and set to low for four or more hours.

2. Mix. Add additional milk and/or sweetener, as desired. I like it with a dollop of butter. :-)

This is such a yummy breakfast, that it didn't last for pictures! And I've made it several times...someday I'll add a picture!

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