Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Vegetarian Pot Pie

This is a perfect dish for the vegetarians (and everyone else) in your life! 
A perfect addition to any holiday meal. 

I have been a lacto-ovo vegetarian (I eat eggs and dairy, but no meat or meat products, including meat broths and meat oils) since 1990. My children have been raised on a vegetarian diet, but have been free to choose for themselves. At this point, my 18 and 19 year olds eat anything but my 14 year old is still a vegetarian.

As a vegetarian, I struggled with a "main dish" for holiday meals. We generally celebrate with others, so there is usually the traditional holiday fare: turkey or ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, some sort of yam/sweet potato dish, a vegetable dish, a salad, rolls, ... I make sure that we have stuffing and gravy made without traditional broth. So we used to just eat the side dishes. But at one pot-luck Thanksgiving, someone brought a pot-pie that was absolutely delicious! So I worked on making my own... 

Ingredients in THIS pot pie: 
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 russett potatoes, diced
1 sweet potato, diced
1 yellow onion, chopped
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 yellow bell pepper, chopped
1 red bell pepper, chopped
4 carrots, chopped
4 spears celery, chopped
1 pear, chopped
2 handfuls kale, sliced
1 cup water
1 vegetable bouillon cube
1 can cream of broccoli soup 
1. Make crust. Use your favorite crust recipe (if you are making this for vegetarians, make sure your recipe does not include lard!) or mine: http://mamasnotperfect.blogspot.com/2013/12/pie-crust.html
I make this in a large dish, so when I make this crust, I divide it into two, and use one full plus half the other for the bottom. Then I make another batch and use one and a half for the top. I use the other half for a pumpkin pie or something else. (My crust never works out if I double the recipe, so I always make it in two separate batches.)
2. Heat olive oil in a large skillet (I use a large deep dish iron skillet) over medium-high heat. When oil is warmed, add potatoes, sweet potatoes, and onions. Saute over medium-high heat until potatoes start to soften.
2. Add salt, pepper, bell peppers, carrots, and celery. Continue sauteing over medium-high heat for about five minutes. Heat 1 cup of water with the bouillon cube in microwave for about one minute, enough to dissolve bouillon. Add the water/bouillon to the vegetables and continue to saute. Cook until the vegetables are soft (but not mushy!).
3. Add pear and kale. Stir to combine, cook for about 2 minutes. Add the can of cream soup. Mix.
4. Oil the dish, put in the bottom crust, then pour everything from the skillet into dish. Then add crust on top. Poke a few holes in the top, then bake in a preheated oven at 350 degrees (F) for 50 minutes.

This is always DELICIOUS! Everyone raves about it, vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

Notes: I never make this the same. I always use sweet potatoes or yams, just because they are so yummy. I use whatever potatoes I have on hand: russets, new potatoes, red potatoes, whatever. I've made it with yellow or red onions. Leeks work too. I use any color bell pepper or the little sweet peppers. I nearly always put carrots and celery in it, unless I run out when making stuffing. Sometimes I use apples instead of pears. Fruit seems odd, but it adds something so yummy! And I throw in spinach or kale, depending on what I have. I have also added frozen peas (at the end, when I add the pears and kale) or corn or green beans (fresh-add with the carrots, frozen or canned, add with the pears). You can use canned vegetable broth instead of water and bouillon. If you are serving this to vegetarians, just be sure it is VEGETABLE broth and not chicken or beef broth. I don't add tofu, as I have to be careful about ingesting too much estrogen, but if you want to add tofu, saute it first and add with the pears. I haven't tried adding beans, but that would be another easy way to add protein. Add canned beans in step 3, with the pears. I'm thinking kidney beans would be best.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Pie Crust

I'm going to post a couple of recipes that use pie crust, so I thought I should begin by posting my family's pie crust (above is a completed apple pie using this crust). I have no idea where this recipe came from, just that my family has been using it for ages. I'm sure someone got it from a magazine or a box a long time ago-I highly doubt it was "created" by a member of my family. But I do know that my great-grandmother used it, my grandmother used it, my mom uses it, I use it...
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup milk

1. Fluff flour and salt in bowl.
2. Combine oil and milk in a measuring cup.
3. Mix both in bowl (but not too much!).
4. Divide in half-roll each half between two sheets of wax paper to size of pie pan.
5. Flip into pie pan.
6. If pie with no top, press crust between thumbs of both hands to make the pattern (right). If pie with a top, leave draped over the edge (but trim edge so it is slightly hanging over pan). Fill pie, then place other half of crust over top. Then smoosh the ends of the crust together with thumbs as for crust below.
There are a lot of pie crusts recipes around. This is what I always use-it's my favorite.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Flour Tortillas

I used to make homemade flour tortillas all the time when I was younger. My mom made EVERYTHING from scratch, so I grew up that way. As a teenager, I think I made tortillas weekly-we lived on Mexican food!! When I started living on my own, I didn't really make anything "from scratch" for ages!! I was happy to go to the store and purchase a package of tortillas, or a thing of bread. Didn't see the point in spending hours making any of that. But, life goes on... And don't our memories sometimes make things seem perfect?!?

I do remember loving homemade flour tortillas. And I've been talking about them with fond memories for quite some time. My kids were tired of hearing about them! Truthfully, I don't think they believed that I had ever made homemade tortillas.

I had been looking at recipes for a while, making sure that I had everything I would need, so that when the desire to make them actually hit, I'd have everything I'd need. I couldn't find the recipe I used when I was younger, so I used a recipe that I found on pinterest. (See?? I'm trying out some of those recipes I pinned!!) Find the recipe that I used here: http://therecipecritic.com/2012/08/homemade-tortillas/.
The only change I made to Alyssa's recipe (at therecipecritic.com) was that I used 2 cups of white flour and one cup of whole wheat flour, rather than the 3 cups white flour. I know-everyone talks about anything wheat as being the devil right now. Gluten is BAD. But I still eat it. So my attempt to make them a little healthier meant that I would add wheat flour rather than all bleached white flour. If you don't eat gluten, feel free to substitute for a gluten-free flour. I have no idea how that will work though. Truthfully, my wheat flour attempt didn't go so well...
The dough looked fine, so I was excited about how they would taste.

After the dough sat for an hour and I started rolling it out, it still seemed okay. But it was a little difficult to roll out. Pretty near impossible to roll it into a circle like the beautifully perfectly circular tortillas I get at Costco. But whatever, who needs perfectly circular tortillas?? As long as they taste good...


So I flopped my first tortilla into the pan. As you can see, it looks oddly shaped. But like I said, who cares, as long as it tastes good, right?? Well........................

They taste okay...But I think I made some mistakes!

First, since I hadn't made tortillas in ages, I should have followed the directions EXACTLY. I shouldn't have added any wheat flour. Also, I have a shoulder injury. What was I thinking?!?! Rolling out a bunch of tortillas was really painful for me! I should have known, as I just made a bunch of pies for Thanksgiving. Rolling out the pie crusts almost killed me!! So why I thought I could roll out 12 tortillas, I'll never know. Chalk that one up to denial.... maybe stupidity is a better word??

So, since I couldn't really effectively roll, they were very oddly shaped. And quite thick. But they tasted okay. Unfortunately, we couldn't really use them for burritos. Instead, we just added butter and ate them as a snack. Isn't everything better with butter??

And for the burritos we had for dinner?? I pulled out the tortillas I'd purchased at Costco. :-)